Sunday, September 11, 2011

His love never fails

I am 9 days from finishing the Love Dare but I don't think I will finish it.  I started blogging through the book as a way to put my thoughts on paper, because you see I like to process my feelings and thoughts, out loud. A lot of times things don't make sense to me until I start processing though them. Whether I do it through writing or talking, as I process I start to learn about the lessons I am being taught in each situation.

As I have been writing over the past months I have discovered several things:
  1. I've always known how difficult relationships can be but when people really believe that they can work they do.
  2. I've noticed that dysfunctional relationships are the norm and that healthy relationships are hard to come by.
  3. I've found that even though I talk a big game I know nothing about relationships.  If I did I might not have so much knowledge about them.
  4. I've discovered that relationships are more then just 50/50, they're about giving your all, all the time.
  5. I've learned that those that you must make each other a priority and not just an option.
  6. I've realized that sometimes the best thing that you can do for your significant other is to just be present in the moment.
  7. I've known that sometimes we must get outside our comfort zones to better relate to our partners, but now I see that it is a requirement.
  8. I've figured out that the only way to a healthy relationship is to start with a healthy you.
  9. I've wised up to the fact that just because you've witnessed dysfunction in the past, you are still worthy of functionality.
  10. I've determined that your past has nothing to do with your future. 

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