Friday, October 7, 2011

He is there

I've heard people say these things over and over again:
"When we are on the right path that's when trouble comes." or "When your doing something significant, distraction is always nearby."
In His Word there are all sorts of mentions of trouble.  In fact the Word says that "In your life there will be trouble."  Not there might be trouble but there will be trouble.

You see the enemy is very clever.  He knows that as we are cruising through life all we need is one small distraction and we can crash.  Its the enemy's job to isolate and distract us from our relationships especially our relationship with Him and unfortunately he's really good at his job. In fact he's so full of himself that he even tries his tactics on the Son Himself in Matthew 4:1-11.

When distraction comes what can we do?  Are we powerless to overcome or are we able to imitate the Son and tell the enemy to get behind us. 

I've certainly felt powerless and once that feeling sets in you literally become powerless to overcome much of anything.  As isolation starts to creep in, you start pulling away from people and things that you love.  You start feeling unworthy so you pull away from your quiet times or your devotionals.  The distraction starts to take over your thoughts and you start to worry excessively.  You feel out of control.  Your moods keep changing.  You snap at others.  The enemy has total control now.

The enemy has me pegged.  He knows exactly what to do to get my attention, especially around this time of the year. (If you want to read more about that click here.)  I'd like to say that with each passing year I get better at ignoring him, but I don't.  I try really hard but I fail miserably each year.  He's just to good at his job.

The enemy knows that my distraction is in my relationships, because of my past I worry a lot about my future and when I worry I start focusing on the negative and not the positive and that's when he gains control.  Its really difficult for me to "Let go and let God."

A lot of us study the names of our Heavenly Father, if you don't know them they are linked below:
Jehovah Shammah, "The Lord is There":
"The name indicates that God has not abandoned Jerusalem, leaving it in ruins, but that there will be a restoration."
I think that's fitting.  "He has not abandoned us, He will restore us."  We can worry all we want, but "He is there."  Even when we are in deep, "He is there." Even when we are sucked into doubt, "He is there." Because "He is there" we can stand up with the truth and empower ourselves to tell the enemy to get behind us.  We will overcome because "He is there."

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